Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Manipulation of Joints & Bones

Yesterday was great day as I relax and got some odds and ends done that I'd been meaning to do and haven't taken to time to do so.  Also got some episodes of Bones in.  Netflix is fantastic!!

Today was a good day.  I had a much needed appointment at Manchester Osteopathic Healthcare.  My lower back has been destroyed because of this crappy twin bed I crash on every night.  And last week for a few days I was having shooting pains on the right side of my neck down to my shoulder blade area.

I donated blood today, apparently there is a critical need and I am a universal donor.  I've only been donating for a couple years and I look forward to it each time when I can.  If you donate whole blood you have to wait 56 days before you can again.  A double red cell donation is 112 day wait before you can donate either whole blood or double red cell again.

I took Canaan to Karate tonight.  He was very well behaved and did a gret job tonight.  I am so proud of him.  While we were there Addison had a question, "Dadda, what color are my eyes?"

Well, can't you tell?

I brought them to their mothers and was greeted with some wonderful birthday gifts from them.  Addison made me a bracelet.

Canaan gave me my WrestleMania XXIV frame that I apparently forgot in the move.  They also drew me a couple pictures and made me a lemon cake with lemon frosting.  The cake was fantastic!

Yup that's the 16 time World Heavyweight Champion "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair in what was, at that time, his retirement match.

That's all for tonight, I have to go continue a conversation that I'm having about horror movies.

Later Readers


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