Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mother's Day Rainout

This year for Mother's Day Kate wanted to go to La Festa Pizza in Dover, NH.  To justify driving all the way for Pizza I plotted a day trip out of it that would see use travel through Western Maine into New Hampshire checking out covered bridges, water falls, and more.

The forecast was predicting rain but the amount and when varied so we took a chance and just went anyway.  It didn't work out that well.

Our first stop after was the Hemlock Covered Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine.  Of all the covered bridges in Maine this is the only one that is way out in the willy-wags.  In-fact the road that it is on is gated and closed from November 1st - May 1st.

Wesley was very excited to get out of the Vanna and stretch his legs.  He walked back and forth over the bridge several times and we got some really great photos.

We continued one with out next stop being Glen Ellis Falls in Jackson, NH however the rain started coming down and prevented that from happening.  However we were able to check out the Honeymoon Bridge in Jackson.

Because of the rain we decided just to take the drive to Dover and forgo other planned stops for another day.

The drive along route 16 was quite nice, and at one point when the rain let up we did stop in the village of Chocorua at a dam on the Chocorua River.  It was so gorgeous how the homes along the shore were reflecting off the calm water.

The little dam was cool as well and it did something to the water falling over the edge causing a rippling effect to it.  It was neat!

We arrived in Dover for a late lunch at La Festa Brick & Brew Pizzeria.  The place is pretty awesome and I wish we had one like it around here.  They have a huge selection of buying by the slice or you can get a whole pie.  Kate got a few various slices and I got a large New York style pepperoni, because pepperoni is my favorite.

If we ever go again I'll be more apt to get some various slices rather than pepperoni.

We stopped at a Duston's Market & Bakery after, Kate got a few baked goods including a rather delicious chocolate eclair.  I got myself over 1000 day aged Canadian Cheddar cheese that was phenomenal! Also I found some new kettle chips that i had never had before, Good's out of Adamstown, PA.

The drive home was fine until we hit some downpours in the Richmond area.

Incidentally we crossed the Saco River 8 different times.

Later Readers!

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