Friday, January 31, 2014


Recently I rediscovered the library.  I mean I always knew it was there, and for the past year Kate & I have been taking the kids regularly to the Gardiner Library to get books and the occasional movie but neither us have taken advantage of the library ourselves.

In fact I didn't even have a library card until a couple months ago when I took the kids alone and couldn't use Kate's account, even though we are married.  I'm so out of date that when I asked the librarian where the card catalog was she looked at me like I was dumb and pointed to the computer.

At the Gardiner Library the kids room is upstairs, stairs I once pee'd down when I was just a small boy, so when you go in the front door you go right upstairs and you don't go into the adult section. One day we parked out back and trucked on through to go upstairs.  I couldn't help but notice all the DVD's they had.  Then I had to go in a pay a late fee and after surrendering my 80 cents I checked out the computer for any wrestling titles and the rest is history. 

In the last month I've check out a dozen books and a few films for Kate and I to watch. As a resident in Randolph everything is free.  Also Gardiner Library is part of the minerva system with most of the state so if they don't have it in Gardiner they can probably get it for you.  This includes books, dvd's, books on CD and more.

I've gotten to check out some books that I've been meaning to for a while now and we've gotten some classic flicks like Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat and A Friendly Persuasion starring Gary Cooper.

If you haven't been in a while, I think it's time you go and check out the library again. 

Link to the Maine Minerva system

Later Readers!


Song of the Day, Forever by Gunther Brown

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